Really?! 60 degrees today?! And I thought I had spring fever before... I've got it bad today. This day (as well as the beautiful day yesterday) really got me thinking about all the ways in which I am blessed; although my life is VERY difficult most days, I really am blessed and I wanted to put a little project together that reminded me of that fact as well as a reminder of Who I need to give my thanks and praises for all I have received.

This album was made from a chipboard album that's been collecting dust on my shelf. I picked this album up months ago... and actually forgot about it until recently. I was a little anxious about what my project would look like in the end... I've never done anything with chipboard before. (Sometimes the projects I have in my head don't always translate properly to the end project)

These are really fun flowers to make... I can give it a vintage look or a fun, upbeat flower perfect for any project or page for a little girl (or maybe a big girl). I used a punch on the strip of paper prior to folding it; it gives it a lighter look more indicative of lace.
Beautiful! I love the rosettes!